See Me Mission

See Me Cyclery Co. aims to make awareness of riders on the road a little easier. We aren't just selling branded products or trying to produce cool consumer items. 17% of car accidents involve a pedestrian. Of that 17%, 73% involve a bicycle. Over 130,000 bicycle and automobile collisions happen every year just in the United States. Nearly 1,000 of those collisions are fatal and even more result in life altering injuries. These numbers have been on the rise, almost doubling in the last decade. In some of our largest cities, these numbers have quadrupled in just the last 30 years. 

See Me does not take the stance that the responsibility to notice bikes on the road is all on the driver. As riders, we need to make ourselves stand out more. That is what See Me is all about. Advocating rider awareness and and sharing the responsibility of sharing the road.

Your support for See Me Cyclery Co does not go unnoticed. 10% of each month's revenue is donated to charities advocating for safer roads. Specifically those advocating for non-motorist safety.

If you have a story you'd like to share, we encourage you to write into us. We want to build an arsenal of these stories to make our cause stand out even further. Reach out to us on the contact page and help us make our roads a safer place for everyone.